Welcome to Gory's YouTube channel!
The place to find all things gaming entertainment. Let's Plays, Funny Moments, Podcasts; Commentaries on life's big questions... Or just what I ate for breakfast! And plenty more shenanigans! You name it, I (probably) record it within the realms of your favourite games. SUBSCRIBE for MORE!
My name is Josh. I'm a 17 year old British lad with a passion for video games! Being a YouTuber is great fun; building a large community to interact and share everything with, happens to be one of my biggest aspirations! If you find my videos entertaining, helpful, or just want to help me achieve my dreams, then it would be awesome if you could Subscribe. Thanks for any support - it is truly appreciated.
For serious business stuff, contact me using the email below. If you just want to chat, tweet me (@itsTheGorinator) or use the comment section on my videos!