Welcome to my YouTube channel!

James Roffel - Real Estate Agent in Kelowna, BC
Specializing in helping you:
▸Buy a home in the Kelowna area
▸Sell your home in the Kelowna area
▸Relocating to Kelowna/Okanagan

If you have any questions or would like to book a 1-on-1 meeting there is a link below to do so.

📅 Book An Appointment: https://calendar.app.google/whAfk5dPo2n9fsj7A
📧 Email: [email protected]
📲 Call or Text: 250-808-4602
🔎 Search Listings for FREE: https://jamesroffel.kelownahomes.com/
🔔Subscribe For More: https://www.youtube.com/@jamesroffelkelowna?sub_confirmation=1

James Roffel
REAL Broker Kelowna

I hope to meet you soon!

#kelowna #kelownarealestate #bcrealestate