We have assembled a team of experts in women's health, to bring information that you can trust, because the source of your information matters. We go through many different topics through our podcast and Youtube videos. Everything from our world of Gynecology and Obstetrics as well as good general wellness!
Our Credentials: Where you get you information matters!
Dr. Eric Schmit FACOG, Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgeon, Robotic Surgeon of Excellence.
Rebecca Fansler: Certified personal trainer. Prenatal and postnatal fitness certified. Masters in Regulatory Science
Dr Olga Valieva FACOG Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgeon, Robotic Surgeon of Excellence.
Taryn Miyaoka PA-C Certified BA who puts me in my place every day. Mother of Winston
Dr Amy Buben FACOG Laborist. Ski Patrol Certified-she saved people on mountains!