Gurupriya Atreya and Vedanth Bharadwaj are two independent musicians from Bangalore and Chennai respectively. This is their offering to bring to the world of children a small dreamy oasis which they can enter into before they sleep for the night. Soothing lullabies to balance out the day where their senses have been bombarded with unnatural sounds of digital media. A simple beautiful healing gesture to promote well being of your child.
For every child, the voice of their care giver is the best voice in the world - the most soothing, the most healing - and therefore - the voice that they need to hear! We encourage you to expand and explore your talents and in turn become the favourite singing star of your children’s life!
This endeavour of ours is entirely crowd funded and we seek your love and support. Please do get in touch with us if you feel inspired to contribute. :)