I try to upload Forza 3 vids of cars that aren't on youtube or just buying them when ever I get a new Microphone I'll make more lets plays (It'll take a while though)
Just Thought this was kinda funny you know fighting on youtube is like being in the special olympics, even if you win you're still retarded - mue56
Nothing This is literaly nothing, but I am typing this up so it must be something not nothing so I guess that I lied about this page being nothing. I am just saying that this, right here, right now, that I am typing or that you are reading has to be something otherwise if it is nothing then why are you reading it and why am I typing this? Also how could you be reading this if it was nothing and how could I be typing this up because I have to be typing something not nothing because if I was typing nothing than I wouldn't be typing and there would also be nothing here not something. So if you think that this is nothing than you must think that this is something because nothing is nothing and someting is always nothing because nothing is something since nothing is a word so that means that this word, nothing, is actually something. But because this is something it must have some importacne but it doesn't so I guess that I am just telling you about nothing and that you are really reading nothing because there is no importance. But nothing is always something so you must be reading something so I guess that you are reading this again and finding something like words so if there was nothing on this page than say good bye to the happy pictures and good bye to the words and good bye to the computer and good bye to everything. Because everything is nothing and nothing is always nothing like I said before. But I guess you could say that this is actually nothing because it is not aobut anything but I would think you would be wrong becasue this is about something, this is about nothing. And if nothing is something than this must be something and this is also nothing so this is actually something. and since everything that exists in the world is something and not nothing than this has to be something and not nothing because there is no such thing as nothing and there is always something not nothing. and nothing is always something because nothing can't be nothing because nothing doesn't exist. Like if someone said that there is nothing there they would be wrong because there is always something there whether it's themselfs or the floor or the objects