The budding collector's Chanel. A chanel that specializes in money. Old money, old money, new money, banknotes and coins, money facts, money myths and other fun stuff about money. All discussed casually. So that there will be pleasure and joy towards him, old money and not to think that old money is an expensive hobby. Although there is actually a lot of old money that is expensive. Sharing Experience and Knowledge in Collecting Old Indonesian Money. Old Indonesian Banknotes and Coins
In this channel we focus on discussing money from the issuance of money, the scarcity of money, the price of old money and everything related to money or numismatics. The hobby that many people like is not only a hobby but also investing. Because the price of old money has increased over the years. This ancient money is worth studying because it contains historical elements and witnesses to Indonesian history. Study history through old money. Tell exciting stories about money to future generations.