is the original independent gaming community built entirely for its users. Krakrabbit is completely self-reliant when it comes to every game/system/accessory/ etc. that we have listed on our site.
What that means is...we do not accept any contributions from any publishers and/or manufacturers! You can think of us as the Consumer Reports of gaming.
By joining Krakrabbit you are allowing your fellow gamers the rare opportunity to read unbiased, accurate, independent reviews on every single product on our site.
We have created this site from the ground up for our members. We don't hide our users comments in a small box tucked half down the page. We gladly place your reviews directly in front of each and every visitor (registered member or not) that lands on
Our goal is to create an elite gaming community where the masses decide which games are worth purchasing and which games we should not waste our hard earned cash on.