Welcome to my little corner of the internet :)

Want to create your own video game? Whether it is an RPG, MMO, RTS, FPS, Moba and so on... I'll take you on the journey to become a game developer so that you can create your own virtual world!

My name is Wesley and I mostly focus on game development tutorials inside unreal engine(UE4 & UE5) & unity.
The main goal of my channel is to lower the barrier for people that want to make games so that anyone is free to create their own worlds.

You might ask yourself, why would I trust anything this random guy from the internet says?

To which I say, fair point! You're probably right. I do have over 4 years of experience in programming & game development and over 1 year of experience in the AAA game industry. So I have some idea to what I'm doing but if you think I made a mistake in one of my video's, don't hesitate to let me know in the comments and I'll try to reply as soon as possible.

Have a nice day! :)
PyjamaKingTech, Game Dev Made Easy