Welcome to my channel!

I'm Theresa aka ivymuse, avid reader and long-time booktuber! I have a very wide reading taste and will give anything a shot; BUT I'm also not shy of sharing my honest thoughts if I think a book is terrible. I have an entire playlist for that if you're curious.
Mainly though I am on here to share my love for books; to create my own little nook on the Internet where I talk about my passion for reading and recommend the books that really blew my mind.

Occasionally I will throw in videos on other topics that are dear to me, such as how to make learning languages easier or other things that I find relevant at any given point in my life. That's essentially what this channel boils down to: Sharing what I love.

Note: I have decided to put up a link to my Amazon wishlist again, after people have asked me for it. By no means should anyone feel obliagted to send me anything, I want to stress that point. It's just something that's here if you want to take a look.