This is the official YouTube channel of CHRISTIAN FAITH & FELLOWSHIP MISSION INTERNATIONAL. We are a Christian community who believe in the words of healing, grace and power and preach God's word in its true power, nature and form. We believe in the truth of God's word as supreme to every other revelation or knowledge and we worship and exalt the Trinity (Father, Son Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit) as one.
On our channel, we make broadcasts of our programs to bring you closer to God's word and get you enlightened and refreshed to face the challenges of our present world.
We believe that as you relate with our contents, the power of the Holy Spirit is going to convince your heart to always live in truth and light and be made ready to be with your Creator at the end of life.
We are based mainly in Nigeria with branches in some other parts of the word like USA.
You can learn more about us by visiting our website:
God bless you!