I'm not a master hacker. This is for me to document my journey through Cybersecurity. The hat and glasses are entirely tongue-in-cheek props. I love hacking, cyberpunk, and sci-fi cultures. I love related movies such as Hackers, Johnny Mnemonic, and The Matrix. I've been interested in hacking since I first knew it existed but I've always been in love with computers.
My first computer was an Amstrad and I used it to play games like Dizzy, Myth, Turtles, Bombjack, and many others. I also used it to make art by manually coding in the pixel and color references as there was no desktop environment or mouse. I used computers to trick friends by writing batch scripts with the shutdown command and then moving it to their desktop with their internet browser icon. I’m still learning and if you’re too then perhaps there is something here for you.
All my videos are for educational purposes and I do not support illegal hacking. Please only hack your own devices.