Videos from Psychochronic's archive, featured in this channel!
Playlists are sorted by game then event description, along with large videos within time.
Very hard matches in different games that can't be found on the internet, as I've salvaged of many of them throughout 2004-2011. Whether it's rarity, team battles, pool footage from a major, matches that didn't make the DVD or SBO qualifiers, it'll all be chosen at random as all games are welcome.
Since the x-years of hiatus of my channel, I've been focusing on casual event photography, taking pics from various events, majors and other non-FGC events around the Toronto area (cosplay, fashion, music, nightlife, wrestling)
Fightcade: psychochronic
XBL: brettchronic
Just to note, I also run another Youtube channel, psychochronic (my first channel of mainly online recordings and house sessions).