Hello everybody, my name is kobe_skrobe and this is my best attempt at trying to tell you what you may see on my channel. I started uploading to this channel around January 2015, mainly so that I could upload funny videos of my friends and I playing together so that they could watch them from my point of view. One of my friends, had a horrible internet connection and it was always hilarious watching his character lag all over the place. But, since then, things have changed drastically around here. Our current schedule, as of 4-3-2021, is three videos per week which will be released at 8:00am MST Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I usually rotate my latest past live streams as every other scheduled video. I now focus more on a Let's Play style of video and on making series that tell a story from start to finish with as much humor as I can manage. Constructive criticism is always welcome. Thanks for Watching!!