Milly the Dark is the daughter of Mephiles the Dark and Rouge the Bat. although you are seen as a hero in one person's story, you will always be a villain in another person's story. This channels for Comedy ALL COMEDY We are here to let you know keep following your dreams. Don't loose hope theirs people out there that loves you and believes in you too. I should know I am also a victims of being bullied in fact all my life I was. So keep pushing on don't let those bullies win fight to survive and follow your dreams. I'm also known as Zeraora dancer, Otokun, Milly the Draganther, I am sometimes Infinite the Jackal on VR Chat I am the !!Official!! Rouginite, Rouge the Bat, Neyla, Shadow the fu∗khog and the ORIGONAIL AND TRUE REAL Milly the Dark A.K.A as Dark Rouge / Mephiles Rouge. I am Latina from Uruguay Welcome to my channel. ALSO this channel plays with others in many games we are all BLUNT AF if you get butt hurt by it STAY AWAY. If u don't have sense of humor LEAVE․ Rated M