Hello everyone, welcome to my YouTube channel.
Things I like to post are: animation memes, backstory (for my ocs) map parts, speed paints and sometimes gifts!
I take my SWEET time animating. I’m always working on my art and animations and I’m always active on my YouTube.
I also have an Instagram: @ pixels_parad1se

❌WARNING❌ this is a list of things I animate. And stuff I like to draw:

13+ - 19+, has a lot of gore/blood,
seizure like colors, a lot of flashing lights,
a lot of body horror, cartoons,
drug use/alcohol use, abuse,
kidnapping, strong language,
Stretched skin, suicide, people wearing skin,
disturbing pictures and images.
Gross stuff, boils and zits,
loud music, constant death,
Sexy clown, pole dancing,
Suggest themes, horror games,
Guts, guns, knives, DEATH,
My Characters stories, demons,
People OD-ing, dead body’s,
murder, Cannibalism, dead animals,
TW/FW kinda stuff,

Personal goal: get my first play button
Help a homie out? 😳👉👈