Derdack SIGNL4 makes you a superhero in incident response and management.

SIGNL4, Derdack’s SaaS solution, re-invents critical alerting, incident response and service dispatching for operating critical infrastructure. SIGNL4 is designed to automate and optimize incident response and management processes and has strong emphasis on mobility.

Derdack’s on-premises product, Enterprise Alert®, transforms critical incident communication to a reliable, automated and mobile experience. It provides customers with the ability to reliably distribute critical information to the right people and to respond to critical incidents and emergency situations before they can impact business continuity and customer service levels.

Founded in 1999, Derdack is a long-term innovator and based in Berlin, Germany, Richmond, Virginia and Bern, Switzerland. Our global customer list spans over 50 countries and includes BASF, Daimler, BMW, Porsche and many other leading brands.