I'm a jazz singer, though I sing some other genres, too. Let me put it this way: whatever my voice touches, becomes more jazzy right away. I am terribly old-fashioned and may make you nostalgic, but what's wrong about romanticizing the modern world? Absolutely nothing!
My name is Dolly, like in Louis Armstrong's song. Glad to have you here, for a moment or two. Let's travel in time together.
I sing since I can remember, though it's kinda cliché statement. But I was born with some limitations to my voice that needed to be removed - for my highest value in the world is freedom. I needed to undergo a tongue surgery, then some physiotherapy in order to be here, sounding more like myself than ever, finally able to fully express what makes my soul dance. Though there's a long way in front of me, I began to sing not only while doing the dishes or walking to the bus stop. I came here for You. All of You.
I'll be back on alternate Tuesdays. Let the good times roll!