Welcome to 'Things I Do Not Care About', your ultimate destination for the most fascinating, strange, and, let's face it, utterly useless facts across a wide range of topics. From the oddities of psychology to the obscure trivia of history, from the peculiarities of the animal kingdom to the bizarre phenomena of the physical world – we've got it all covered.

Our mission? To provide you with a treasure trove of fun, and admittedly non-essential information. It's about exploring the weird, and the downright unnecessary, so enjoy the time waster!

Each video dives deep into a different subject, unveiling a collection of facts that will entertain, surprise, and make you wonder, 'why do I need to know this?' But here's the secret: you don't. That's the fun of it.

So, join us on this delightful journey into the realm of the 'useless' and let's uncover some 'Things I Do Not Care About' together. Like, share, and subscribe to stay updated with our latest, and useless, discoveries!