Cover art: The human characters in the cover were drawn by Sable (Twitter: )
Channel Reviews:
- Kat is a mysterious sassy person that creates YouTube videos and occasionally sings original and iconic songs. Though never seen in video before, it has been believed that she is either liquid or, far greater in power, an Eevee. As such, in fear of her hidden might, it is wise to subscribe to her channel with the utmost haste. 5/5, would sub again. - Ashen Deimos
- Kat's channel is the best channel in north Murica' shes a sassy but loveable gaming channel and she has been exposed by me as a fraud and several other things. 4.9/5 stars - JoshARandomGamer
Check out Couchbot! It's the bot I use on my Discord to announce streams. You can find them at
Twitter: @katthesassqueen
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