!~quote master~!

ughhh lets see...

well im going for 99 agi ,99/99.

83/99 hunt

all subscribe to....ZOZO1232

Games i Play on the computer: Counter strike, runescape, regnum, and combat arms (all of em are ownage)

Games i play off computer: Cod beta...lol

If u play im on Ignis and name is zorlak so add me or join my team

|...........| Put this on your

|...........| page if you have

|.......0..| ever pulled a

|...........| door that said push!


91/99 agi

64/99 con (got enough oak planks for 99 tho, just need hammers heh)

If you wanna e-mail me....my e-mail is

[email protected]