St Paul traveled by ship and by foot to the entire world, spreading the Gospel taught by our Lord. We now don't have to spend 40 days to travel by ship from country to country. Just ask yourself what St Paul would do if he had the technology like we do today!

We have talks from some of the best Catholic speakers in the world, like Scott Hahn, Tim Staples, Steve Ray, Fr Mitch Pacwa, Dcn Harold Burke-Sivers, Archbishop Fulton J Sheen, Ed Sri, Fr Chris Alar, Sonja Corbitt, Jason Evert and the list goes on. These speakers are on fire for the Truth and present our Faith in a way that is easy to understand. A strong Faith is an essential weapon in fighting the fight that Our Lord and Saviour instructed us to do, to be a shining light to the world and to win as many souls as possible for the Greater Glory of God. The name of our initiative reflects the very purpose of its mission.

The Greek word for the 'Second Coming' or 'presence of Christ' is 'parousia'. It is central to our Faith.