Would you like news about keeping budgies etc.? Then you are right here. Welcome to my channel!

Many views on keeping parakeets date back to the last century. Stop it! There are many new insights!
Here you will find answers to your questions, topics, tips and information about parakeets and advice on animal welfare and health.

I am Beatrix Nagy, an amateur author from Austria and a long-time owner of budgies, Bourke's parakeets, Eastern rosellas and neophema. I have done a lot of research and have well-founded experience.
My motto: Wellness instead of stress! Animal welfare is a top priority.
My aim: to reach as many people as possible to improve the living conditions in our living room and prevent suffering, supported by members, Amazon affiliate links, advertising interference and coffee money.

New videos and shorts every Friday at 12:00. Subscribe and you'll be there!