The Perfect Steak is all about giving you the skills, tools and techniques necessary for you to become a master of the grill, confident to cook serve your very own signature steaks. If I’ve learnt anything from test cooking well over 1000 steaks it’s this; The Perfect Steak is Personal. Everyone likes their steaks done differently and that is something I’ve come not only to respect but to build the whole Perfect Steak Company around.
I recently met with a lady who was the daughter of a 3rd Generation butcher. I asked her how she liked her steaks and nearly fell of my chair when she said “burnt black”! I was expecting her to say medium-rare because it’d been my experience to that point that well-done was out of vogue. Apparently not, and you know what, that’s a good thing.
This site has been built by me over the last year or so. I wrote the first copy of the book “How to Cook The Perfect Steak” in 2011 and ever since then I’ve been practicing and refining the techniques it teach