Born from a desire to make a superfood that tasted like junkfood without artificial preservatives or added sugars Sweetpotato Awesome is a freeze dried organic sweetpotato slice. Using a propietary process to prepare the sweetpotatoes for the freeze drying, our slices not only have a unique texture and high retention of nutrients but a long shelf life as well due to it's extremely low moisture content. They are AIP friendly (with the exception of our chipotle flavor), gluten free, grain free, dairy free, egg free and nutrient full.

We sell SLICES, not chips. Our slices are cut at a thickness that allows them to be used like a cracker or in the case of Flat Out Awesome, a piece of toast or flat bread. The thickness of the cut, the nature of the sweetpotato as a root vegetable and the freeze dry process yield a product sturdy enough to dip and scoop a variety of foods to go along with the Awesome.

@sweetpoawesome on Instagram