This channel is usually used to upload different sorts of national anthems, patriotic, military or songs for a country’s event.
Most the audio in the videos i make are NOT MINE! I get them from numerous websites like wikipedia, google, etc. so im not the original owner of these songs!

planet minecrafts profile: planet minecrafts profile: https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/imakeflagbannersxdxd/?ytmv=3896600

100 subscribers on February 19, 2022
500 subscribers on March 9, 2023
1,000 subscribers ???
5,000 subscribers ???
10,000 subscribers ???
50,000 subscribers ???
100,000 subscribers ???
500,000 subscribers ???
1M subscribers NEVER
10M subscribers NEVER
100M subscribers NEVER
100,000,000+ subscribers NEVER EVER!
and yes im certain were never hitting 1K or more subscribers thats simply not possible