Hello, this is Blasez_RBLX from Roblox. Here I upload videos of...

-MTA NYC Transit Subways & Buses (and sometimes Railroads)
-Westchester County Bee Line Buses
-NJ Transit Buses (on some occasions)
-Classic Roblox Videos (mostly MTA related)

Here are some Upload Dates:

New Videos: At the end of each month
Old (TBT) Videos: Thursdays

Subscriber List

100 - 1/27/2020 (First Set); 2/2/2020 (Second Set); 2/21/2020 (Third Set)*
*because I lost 1 sub the day after.
200 - 5/2/2021
300 - 12/7/2022 (First Set); 1/19/2023 (Second Set)

now I don't track subscribers as much, but I am trying to prove to a certain someone that subscribers are awarded by humans, not through the internet using bots, sub bots.

Anyway, that's all... if you want to, you can subscribe to the channel.