Type 2 patients! Reverse your diabetes. Gain control of your eating habits!

If you have Type 2 diabetes, whether recently diagnosed or ongoing for years, I will to open your eyes to a new type of thinking about the real cause of your diabetes and the right cure that will reverse it. After watching my videos and reading my books, whatever you thought about diabetes will change. If you think that diabetes is your destiny because one or both of your parents had it, you will learn that what you have inherited is only a potential. If you think Type 2 diabetes cannot be “cured,” I will show a completely different picture.

Diabetes affects more than 23 million people in the US. Most diabetics are treated with medications or insulin injections to “control” their diabetes. I believe the true culprit is the over-consumption of grains. More info at drjohnonhealth.com. Check out my books at https://goo.gl/D2vCCo, https://goo.gl/Br91Uz & https://goo.gl/ciIeyX. Thank you for viewing my videos.