Veranda's Vidas aka @RealVidas on Twitch & YouTube | PS5 Gamer | Carnivore | GYM Enthusiast | Explorer | Knowledge Absorber | Whisky Sipper | Vigilante | Investigator | Freethinker | Technophile
Your home channel for GAMING & GRILLING by your favorite meat devouring gamer! PS5 & BBQ!
I stream live on Twitch as RealVidas | Usually directly from my PS5 | Follow me on Twitch!
Here on YouTube I'm Veranda's Vidas aka @RealVidas | Subscribe to this YouTube channel now!
On this YouTube channel you'll find my past broadcasts, streams, gameplays, guides, playthroughs, walkthroughs, unboxing, cooking, grilling and other videos!
Of course I also do livestreams on YouTube from time to time, but I usually and mainly do livestreams on Twitch!
You are more than welcome to visit and explore my channels! Enjoy!
Yeah I'm also on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok and Discord, but mainly on Twitch & YouTube so make sure you follow me on Twitch and subscribe to this YouTube channel now! Don't be a stranger!