Hi friends! I’m Melissa, aka the Empress of the Night’s Light. I am a lighthouse shining a light for anyone who needs to come to shore to rest and heal themselves. ❤️‍🩹

I am here to help those who work with me align their stars, their practice, and their breath to find themselves as who they are and what they are meant to do. I use astrology, moon phases, intuition, tarot, and breathwork to fully integrate all our aspects into one. Through these practices, I bring forth discussions on shadow and shine, and share how I've chosen to embrace all these pieces together within myself in an ongoing practice of inner work. I shine a light into the darkness so we can all find our way out, side by side, hand in hand. 🖤

All offerings as well as links to my socials can be found at https://snipfeed.co/empressofthenightslight