Michael dedicates his time & effort to being an expert of the Real Estate market in Palm Beach County. So when it comes time to connect his clients with what they are after he can guide them to right place effortlessly. His job is to make his clients selling or buying process as smooth as possible.

Michael spent 8 years traveling throughout Europe playing basketball professionally. He spent time in countries such as Croatia, Serbia, France, Ukraine & others winning 3 championships along the way. This experience has helped him transition easily to a professional career in real estate as well using the same principles that made him successful on the on the court.

Learn The Value of Your Home: https://michaellee.ipre.com/sell.php

Connect with Michael R. Lee
Website: https://michaellee.ipre.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themichaelr...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mr.LeeLuxury
Call or Text Michael Directly: 561-331-4775
Email: [email protected]