Welcome! I'm Randy Paterson, Canadian psychologist and author of How to be Miserable: 40 Strategies You Already Use, The Assertiveness Workbook, How to be Miserable in Your Twenties, Private Practice Made Simple, and Your Depression Map. My career has involved exploring ways of getting mental health information and strategies out to the broader public.

This channel follows up on my books, providing short videos on psychology-related topics from what I hope is an entertaining perspective. I'll cover topics from the psychology of happiness, the nature of depression and anxiety, issues relating to therapy, strategies to try out in everyday life, and more.

Keep in mind: This channel isn't therapy, and is no substitute for care by a qualified healthcare professional! Think of it as a talking, moving self-help book on multiple topics.

Posts generally appear Tuesdays and occasionally at other times as well. For more information, visit me at www.randypaterson.com.