This is SCOD TV; The Sustainable Cooperative for Organic Development's Green House Channel for Youtube. We (SCOD) are here for anyone interested in preserving the environment and being stewards for a sustainable human future.

Don't sell out; look inside yourself and outside to Nature! Don't blindly follow Corporate-Commercial America. Stand up for citizen rights and education that advocates wisdom through conservation in the democracy of The United States of America.

If you subscribe to us, we will subscribe to you! [Although we reserve the right to self-defense.] LOL :) We are here striving to respectfully share & trade ideas about the World, with the World. Sometimes people dont make sense. This is an open-forum, not a free-for-all for haters. Those that attack issues that we defend are subject to be blocked. Those that are at least open-minded, please join us!


SCOD member

Minister of the Environment