Spend a minute discovering basic truths found in the Bible. Each passage is briefly presented and explained to help bring clarity and understanding. Other scripture is included to reinforce the meaning. These J.A.M.s can bring an oasis of truth to daily routines. They are meant to teach us about Who God is and about what He wants us to do in a simple and concise format. Pastor Scott of Living Hope Community Church in Aurora Colorado (www.elivinghope.org) produces several J.A.M.s each week. Subcribing assures that you'll be notified as new J.A.M.s are released. Perhaps you're curious about what the Bible has to say. Perhaps you're following Jesus and want to learn more. In any case, each J.A.M. contains a bite sized portion of God's truth to think about as you go through your day. May God's richest blessings be yours as you spend Just A Minute thinking about God's truth!