Cars and guitars!!!

CARS: This channel is for demonstration. purposes. It's not about which product is better (no such thing). Example: one dressing lasts 1 day, another dressing lasts 6 months, which one is better? Answer: the one that lasts as long as you want it to last.

This channel is not about the best way to do it. (There's usually many ways). It’s about how I did it... this time. Next time may be different. If it’s different next time, maybe I’ll make a video on that way too.

This channel is to show what product I used, how I used it and the results achieved. If someone else does it the same way I did, then they should get similar results.

GUITARS: This channel is to demonstrate different pedals, amps, guitars etc. None are better than any others because everyone wants different things. If someone wants an idea of how it sounds, what the knobs do etc. this is the place!