Select the best content for you to improve your life, your body and your soul as well, Technology is like two edged sword, it can either to kill when misused or to heal when it is used by a doctor, The Gracious God give us the free will and it is great blessing the He grant us equally, be wise and learn more, wise man said Guard your heart in all diligence from which flow the spring of life, as what you sow it will you reap, sow in flesh and you will reap death but sow in spirit of righteousnes you will gain life and peace of mind, I have connected to the internet there are alot of positive things that we could earn from it, insight, knowledge, skill & competency that we could use to prepare ourself and even for our offspring in the future years to come, use your time effectively, your energy efficiently as future belongs to those who prepared for it, the battle is in your mind and once you master it, the reality will be yours, BELIEVE that GOD love to bless the people who fear Him.