Everything you need to know about the nature of your mind, spirituality, meditation and self-enquiry.

Watch the videos - Meditate - Know yourself - Enjoy your life.

On my Spirituality Channel you'll see many awakened beings who share their views on the nature of mind, non-duality and self-enquiry, e.g. Mooji, Rupert Spira, Adyashanti, John de Ruiter, Ramana Maharshi, Eckhart Tolle, ...

Know yourself by learning more about consciousness, awareness, mind, ego, dreams, enlightenment, etc.

Make these videos part of your spiritual life and meditate on them.

And always remember: we are here to enjoy our lives, to accept ourselves, to live in harmony with the whole creation. But we can do this only if we are the masters of our minds, not the slaves of our minds!

- Aurelio Yuga - You Are Boundless Freedom