Umm This Is My Youtube Channel Where I Post Cringe Stuff And My Username On Roblox Is 000ROBLOX8
So I’m Gonna Answer A Few Questions You May Ask So Let’s Go!
Q:What Is Your Content?
A: Roblox And Memes.
Q:What Is Your Goal On YouTube?
A:I Don’t Have A Goal On YouTube Since This Channel Is Bad.
Q:What You Use For Editing
joke: I bet you don’t have friends because I do!
no really sub to matin gaming and naz_ox (he changes his name often)
if you found nobody called naz_ox we’ll go to my channel and go to the *channels* section
that it and if your curious of who is matin gaming username on Roblox, it’s MASTINKHOUF
and for naz_ox his name is danisbous but sadly he quit roblox
also if your wondering if I am gonna do a face reaveal (OFC NOT) bc I am shy and I am the quiet kid in my school