You need not, granddaughter, hosanna heroes:
this wily shepherd, that bloodthirsty tough;
yet applaud the bulrush child
who, when offered gold, chose the coal.
Satisfied, the tyrant Pharaoh smiled,
did not see the pattern in the whole.

Forgive the triumphalism and the pride,
forego the curses and the ritual stuff.
You, older, I hope, will always side
with the enslaved and hunted,
deride the loud and lethal crowd
who vilify and simplify.
— Dannie Abse

I was dreaming in my dreaming
Of an aspect bright and fair
— Patti Smith

And any man who knows a thing, knows he knows not a damn damn thing at all.
— K`Naan

Personally it's not god I dislike, it's his fan club I can't stand.

If you see the Buddha on the road, shoot him.
— Buddhist proverb

So it goes.
— Kurt Vonnegut

(Justified & Ancient)*

*that's a KLF song. I'm so old no one gets the joke anymore.