Records of how it was (and how it is) to stop being two to be three and now four !!! Welcome to our family!

Here you have: maternity, paternity, pregnancy diary, our day to day, our marriage, trips, product tips, creation tips, breastfeeding, feeding introduction, weaning, night routine, organization, maternity suitcase ... anyway .. of everything that involves the challenges of motherhood-parenthood.

You can also find us here:

E-mail: [email protected]
Instagram: @eramosdois @roseaneguimaraesblog @ rafaelguimaraes28
Snapchat: eramosdois
Caixa Postal 2284 - CEP: 70343-970 - Brasília-DF

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Kisses, Roseane, Rafael, Rafaella and Heloísa!