My name is Melissa McAllister. I am a proud 43 year old mother of a smart and witty 22 year old son and a bright and sassy 21 year old daughter. My husband is the reason I eat, drink, and sleep health and fitness. He has 2 speeds, GO and GO Faster. We have been together for over 22 years and married for 16. Don't get me wrong though.

Fitness has been an essential part of my life for over 18 years. I have the 3 best jobs in the world—being a stay-at-home Mom, business owner, and group exercise instructor for several large fitness chains. I have been teaching everything from yoga to kickboxing for over 17 years. I have also had the great opportunity to train, inspire, and motivate other instructors for the past 16 years. You might even see me in a few fitness videos out there! ;)