iNNER-EYE is a non-profit charitable organization established, in 2016, to help & empower under-privileged people in the Indian society to improve their livelihood, health, education. It is committed to serve for the deprived, destitute, disabled, mentally challenging people on the trinity themes along with Disaster Relief.

Livelihood: People-centered, multi-level holistic approach to focus, help and improve under-privileged people's livelihood in micro-level community, households and marginalized people for their empowerment.

Education: Empowering the marginalized community and under-privileged children and adult in the production of progressive society by a specialized community learning environments and supports for academic-social promotion and development.

Health: Promotion of under-privileged children, women & aged people's health by focusing general and some specific domains of health aspects. Helping people to get free from adverse health issues.