Check out our weekly series: 5mins of Postgres (published every week), where pganalyze founder and CEO Lukas Fittl walks through interesting Postgres content from the previous 7 days. We also publish Postgres presentations, our conference talks, product walk-throughs, and tutorials.

About pganalyze:
pganalyze provides deep, actionable insights into Postgres. Specializing in PostgreSQL database monitoring and optimization, it gives automatic insights into Postgres query plans, helps improve query performance with its Index Advisor, and lets you perform query drill-down analysis, observe per-query statistics and conduct trend analysis. It integrates with both self-managed Postgres servers as well as Database-as-a-service providers like Amazon RDS.

DBAs and developers use pganalyze because it surfaces opportunities to optimize Postgres performance and gives recommendations that help speed up queries. It comes with helpful security features like PII filtering and SSO integration.