Hello and welcome! ✨

My name is Milla and I've been making subliminals since 2020. My audios typically contain ho'oponopono, gratitude prayers, and spoken affirmations/suggestions using both text-to-speech (TTS) and my voice. All affirmations are kept strictly positive and resonate with high vibrational energy, as most of them are channeled from higher dimensions of reality.

The content on my channel draws from quantum mechanics, analytical psychology, and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) alongside spiritual work targeting the planetary evolution through spiritual growth and expansion of consciousness. I am inspired by the teachings of Neville Goddard, Carl Jung, Tony Robbins, Napoleon Hill, Abraham Hicks, Amit Goswami, Joel Goldsmith, and numerous other enlightened thinkers. I am deeply grateful to Hélio Couto, whose teachings have profoundly transformed my life, and I'll always wholeheartedly recommend his work.

I'm happy to have you here! 💖