Gabriel Joel Helewa is an 18-year-old American music producer, singer, songwriter, and mashup artist residing in Bakersfield, California, United States. He is best known for his overtures, especially his most successful one for AJR's latest album, The Maybe Man (The Maybeture), the spokestep versions he makes of popular AJR songs, and his clean versions of AJR songs as well. Besides the AJR content, he also makes original music, which often includes spokestep sections, and other AJR-inspired elements. He is also known to be the lead vocalist from the band, Sky Dreamers. Gabriel is still following and achieving his dreams with his solo music career he's had since 2019, and his band he has formed since late 2023.

“Dreams have no limit, but time does, so chase down and achieve your dreams before time runs out” - Gabriel Helewa