Hey everyone, my name is Sully and I am a Christian. My channel covers anything Christian. Any kind of Christian music, interviews, stories, testimonies, funny clips, ANYTHING CHRISTIAN.
If you have topics or songs you want me to cover, let me know in the comments sections!!
I used to play right into the devil's hands. I used drugs every day. I was a mess. I turned my life over to Jesus and my life is so much better. I still go through hard times and struggle every single day. I still have heartbreak. I still say things I shouldn't say at times. I still have bad thoughts I shouldn't have. The difference is now I have Jesus to guide and direct me through my difficult times instead of doing it by myself.
I want to share Christian content with as many people as I can. This channel is not preaching. It's not church or Bible study. It's just a normal guy sitting down with you covering some cool Christian stuff. So lets relax and hang out.
Thank you for stopping by.