I am sharing videos about paragliding, travelling, nature, powered paragliding-paramotor trips and experiences, accidents or crashes, drones, mountains, beekeeping.
I started with paragliding in 2013. It picked me up from the rat race of work and kinda help to reset my priorities. Up there it is just YOU and you are alone! In free flight you are battling with the power of nature, using it into your favor or running from it to the safety of ground if you have time.. The decisions you make are sometimes a matter of life and death and they have to be done fast. It is like being in the state of FLOW .You are right here, right now and that is all what matters.
I work as a flying pharmacist for a Czech pharmaceutical chain, but my boss won't pay me for flying with my paragliding wing :)
Favourite quote: Where is the will, there is a way!
#paragliding #paramotor #paraglidingczech #poweredparagliding #travelling #gleitschirm #parapente #drones