Understanding Grace | Empowering Change, this is the official channel for creflo dollar ministries Europe, where you can find powerful teachings and resources to help you grow in your faith and impact the world around you.

As we proclaim Jesus, the Christ, as the Head of the Church and the manifested Word of God, our goal is to teach the Word of God with simplicity and understanding so that it may be applied to our everyday lives in a practical and effective manner; thereby being transformed into World Changers—changing our immediate world and all those with whom we come in contact—ultimately making a mark that cannot be erased!

Creflo Dollar Ministries Europe Office
Unit 1B, Blackthorn House, St. Paul’s Square, Jewellery Quarter
Birmingham B3 1RL
United Kingdom
+ 44 (0) 121 359 5050

FaceBook - @europe.cdm
Twitter - @cdm_europe
YouTube - Creflo Dollar Ministries Europe
TikTok- www.tiktok.com/@cdmeurope
Instagram - cdm_europe