My name is Matt. I live in Maryland, U.S. I enjoy gaming and have taken a strong interest in video editing over the past two years. I am fourteen years of age, and with the help of my older brother, I built my own gaming PC about a year ago.

Around the time when I built my new PC, I embarked on this YouTube journey and created WireEffect. Since then I have been making videos and enjoying this awesome experience.

I also like to play and occasionally watch basketball, even though I suck at it.

If you are interested, my PC specifications can be found on my twitch, which is linked below.

Journey highlights:
1,000 Subscribers - December 3rd, 2012
TGN Partnership - February 12th, 2013
10,000 Subscribers - July 8th, 2013
Fullscreen Partnership - September 24th, 2013