Hey peeps! I'm Eleanor, and I run Dance Naked Creative, a séxpositive theater and event company. Thanks for stopping by my youtube.

Dance Naked’s mission is to engage the power of the erotic imagination. As a theater company, our focus is on telling stories that celebrate human séxuality. We create entertainment that seeks to be inclusive of all genders, preferences and orientations. We believe in the power of authentic expression to fuel social change. We strive to create a world that is more compassionate, less judgmental, and more open about séx. Using the medium of theater, we engage with the audience on a visceral level - creating connection, conversation and community.
Eleanor O’Brien is the artistic director for Dance Naked Creative and the writer and performer of solo shows GGG: Dominatrix for Dummies, Lust & Marriage, How to Really, Really? Really! Love a Woman, and Plan V. She has directed and produced several ensemble shows. She is the founder of Plan V: The Movement.