Introduction :
Aryavarta is a Nation of Aryans (Group of Arya). Historically & geographically, Aryavrata is the region of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Tibet, Bharata, Burma, Sri Lanka & Indonesia.

Mission :
1. Re-establishment of Āryāvrata Empire of Ancient India.
2. Re-establishment of True Republic of India, with Decentralization of Powers except Defense, Currency and National Identity.
3. One-Dharma-Movement i.e. Re-Unification of all Native Indic Religions (Dharmas) like, Hindus(Sanatana Dharma) + Buddhism + Sikhism + Jains, etc.
4. A World leader in strong believer of "Heterogeneity" (Plurality) in Society and Ideologies, rather than Monotheistic, Expansionists Ideologies which believes in Homogeneity (My way or the Highway) in Society.
5. Revival of Natural way of governance, rather than an Imperialistic, Expansionists, Colonialist way of Governance.

Declaration :
Dharma Warriors have declared its independent government, statehood and sovereignty under the declarative law of statehood under Montevideo Convention. Our Mission is to overthrow "Secular" republic of Indian government and establish its Government of Aryavarta Bharata, initially in current Indian territory, but will be expanded to her original shape of Akhand Bharata.

Statement :
Land of the Vedas, Sons of the soil, People of the Land. Arya means Noble & Aryans is the group of Arya people who lives according to the universal laws of Nature i.e. "Dharma" & "Karma", in accordance to the environment and cosmos.

आर्य होना एक परम गर्व की बात है , क्यूँ की कोई आर्य पैदा नहीं होता, आर्य बनते है खुद के शुद्ध कर्मो से, आर्य बना जाता है कठिन आभ्यास से , आर्य वो है जो पारिस्थितिकी अग्नि में तपकर मजबूत बनता है ! केवल आर्य परिचय ही काफी है !

कर्म-प्रधान समाज बनाना है तो जन्म-आधारित संकल्पना छोड़ो, कर्म-प्रधान संकल्पनाए ही उपयोग में लावो !

जयोस्तु आर्यावर्त (Aryavarta Bharata Official)